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Continuing to support children, youth and families impacted by child abuse during COVID-19

By March 24, 2020November 18th, 2020No Comments

We are practicing social distancing protocol and continue to collaborate with RCMP, Child Protection and Interior Health to support children, youth and families that have been impacted by child abuse.

If you or you suspect that someone who is under the age of 19 is being harmed:
If in immediate danger call 9-1-1.
Children & Youth Hotline 250-310-1234
If the child/youth is not in immediate danger but you have reason to believe the occurrence of abuse or neglect – call the Ministry for Children and Family Development: 1-800-663-9122, toll-free (24 hours a day).

You can also contact Big Bear CYAC if you would like to consult about reporting child abuse

(250) 571-9995



Child Abuse & COVID-19