Big Bear
Children and youth who have experienced maltreatment undergo a challenging involvement with the criminal justice system; in many cases, this involvement is extremely traumatic for the child/youth and their families. Child Advocacy Centres/Child & Youth Advocacy Centres (CACs/CYACs) address these challenges by providing a coordinated and collaborative approach to support children, youth and their families.
The goal of a CYAC is to have a child-friendly facility where a Multidisciplinary team (MDT) is created that includes law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical and victim advocacy professionals so they can work together to investigate abuse while making support to children, youth and their family top priority.
The CAC concept was developed in the United States almost 40 years ago; there are now almost 1,000 CACs in the United States and CACs are operating in over 20 countries worldwide. Canada has almost 40 centres either open or in development; the Department of Justice Canada chairs a national network of CACs in response to the continual interest expressed by a number of Canadian CACs and communities wanting to develop one.
Together with Kamloops RCMP, Ministry for Children & Family Development, Secwépemc Child & Family Services, Interior Health, City of Kamloops, DAA Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Community Services (LMOFCS), School District #73 and Thompson Rivers University – Big Bear CYAC is continuing to grow! Big Bear CYAC is in year 4 of its 4 year development funding by the Department of Justice Canada – during that time we’ve created a multi-disciplinary team working together.
Our mission is to provide a collaborative response to child maltreatment through advocacy, intervention and continued support in a child-friendly environment. This approach involves all investigative services working together under one roof, at a single facility. Before the investigation process begins at the BBCYAC, the child and family will be supported through each step of the process.
Phase 1 of our development involved a partnership with the Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect Clinic (SCAN Clinic) that is at the Royal Inland Hospital. This partnership allowed the multi-disciplinary team to work together with the children, youth and their families at the SCAN Clinic until Big Bear CYAC could complete Phase 2 of it’s development which includes the whole multi-disciplinary team working together under Big Bear CYAC’s roof.
Big Bear CYAC Phase 2 was the start of being in operation!
Big Bear Phase 2 of development involved securing a location and completing renovations in April, 2021 – Big Bear CYAC opened its doors May 1st/2021! Big Bear CYAC has a beautiful and welcoming space with a Family Room, a Child & Youth Room, and cozy meeting rooms that are filled with soft furniture, ‘Big Bear decor’ and snacks/refreshments so children, youth and their families can have conversations with Police, Child Protection, Health workers and/or Crown in a more comfortable space. Children and youth will no longer have to go to the Police Station or the hospital location to share their painful story with professionals because the professionals can now come to Big Bear. RCMP wear ‘plain clothes’ at Big Bear so conversations with them feel way less intimidating. At Big Bear – we help children and youth go at the pace they need in sharing their story – the priority is you! We also want to advocate for the supports and services you want or need within the community to promote long-term healing and well-being.
Big Bear CYAC is in Phase 3 of development – offering all the services of Phase 2 but now welcomed the completion of the Centres remote testifying room! Sometimes youth, who have witnessed or experienced maltreatment, need to testify or read their impact statement in court. Going to court can be a very intimidating place to be, as well a place where running into the alleged offender is likely. Now youth can apply to be able to come to Big Bear CYAC instead, where privacy and comfort is ensured!
Big Bear CYAC recognizes and honours the need for Truth & Reconciliation within all the services we provide. Big Bear CYAC opened its Elders space, offering a comfortable and welcoming space for children, youth and families who would like to engage in prayer, ceremony or just to have a private place to gather. Thank you to the partnerships with Secwepemc Health Caucus and Lii Michif Otipemisiwak, the space offers Drums, Rattles and healing rocks.
Phase 3 still involves the working of moving the SCAN Clinic under the Big Bear roof so children & youth will no longer have to go to the hospital for a forensic medical evaluation or wellness check! Having professionals working together (RCMP, Child Protection and Health) under the one roof will complete the ability to fully coordinate investigations. This will mitigate gaps in services and reduce systemic trauma that research demonstrates children often experience when involved with the justice system in cases of child abuse.
Big Bear CYAC is near completion of opening up its second forensic interview room. Being able to have two interview rooms allows for each to be designated and designed specifically for younger children or for youth. Because Big Bear CYAC’s young clients are anywhere from the age 2 to 18, it is important to have age appropriate furniture. Oversized furniture can make a young child (who may already be feeling nervous and less empowered) to feel even more vulnerable when they are meeting with professionals. Having the right sized furniture makes a huge difference!
Having a multi-disciplinary team in one building strengthens communication between agencies and enhances efficiency in case-tracking and case management. The BBCYAC strengthens collaboration between agencies and bridges the gap of communication between agencies. BBCYAC follow up service increases referrals to support/healing services for ALL children and youth who have disclosed being maltreated while honouring their unique healing needs through the many amazing services that Kamloops and area offers. Referrals to Big Bear are through RCMP, child protection and Interior Health (Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect Clinic).
The vision is to have a community where every child and youth is respected and heard, and child maltreatment is not tolerated.
The BBCYAC is in year three of its 4-year strategic development plan. Stay tuned for continual updates on this website and/or follow us on facebook.
Big Bear CYAC is like every non-profit society where we rely on grants and donations to maintain operations. If you are interested in a donation to Big Bear and/or would like more info regarding our donation events and the donator bear paw plaques displayed within our centre, please email
A Community Working Together for a Better Outcome for Everyone
Different animals and their Indigenous meanings were presented to several children and youth (who represented a diversity of cultural/ethnic/gender/age backgrounds). 100% of the children and youth liked the meaning of THE BEAR: strength, confidence, standing up against adversity & having a healing spirit. They also liked the fact that bears are often seen in our communities. One youth suggested a name for the CYAC as ‘The Big Bear Centre’ – it was 100% unanimous – all the children and youth loved this name.
Different animals and their Indigenous meanings were presented to several children and youth (who represented a diversity of cultural/ethnic/gender/age backgrounds). 100% of the children and youth liked the meaning of THE BEAR: strength, confidence, standing up against adversity & having a healing spirit. They also liked the fact that bears are often seen in our communities. One youth suggested a name for the CYAC as ‘The Big Bear Centre’ – it was 100% unanimous – all the children and youth loved this name.
COVID–19 Safety Plan
Date of Issue: Jan 12/221
Completed By: Big Bear CYAC Management
Purpose of safety plan
On January 7, 2022, the provincial health officer announced an order requiring employers to re-activate their COVID 19 safety plans. This includes reviewing existing procedures and worker protections; where needed, enhancing those protections to the extent practicable; and communicating with workers to ensure they ensure they understand their role in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
Big Bear CYAC management is responsible for the development of this plan including ensuring that adequate resources are made available to implement and sustain the plan.
All Big Bear CYAC employees and contractors will follow this safety plan as a condition of employment. All guests must follow this safety plan as a condition of visiting our property.
Big Bear CYAC is responsible for implementing this safety plan throughout the workplace.
Employees are responsible for participating in the implementation and ongoing sustainment of the COVID-19 safety plan. If employees have any concerns regarding this plan they are to bring them to the attention of Big Bear CYAC management (info@bigbearcyac or 250-571-9995)
Following the BC governments’s recommendations:
Using communicable disease prevention guidance from WorkSafeBC.
There are exemptions for:
People with health conditions or with physical, cognitive or mental impairments who cannot wear one
People who cannot remove a mask on their own
Children under the age of 5
People who need to remove their masks to communicate due to another person’s hearing impairment
A workplace that has workers testing positive for COVID-19 and public health confirming transmission has occurred in the work environment may be ordered to close for a minimum of 10 days. – Exceptions will be made for workplaces like: Courthouses, police stations/firehalls, healthcare facilities.
Additional safety recommendations will include keeping personal gatherings as small as possible, practicing social distancing, proper/regular hygiene and screening – As follows:
Safety Measures:
– Regular hand hygiene – hand sanitizer is provided at entrance;
– Regular cleaning practices are followed with additional cleaning of high touch areas/surfaces;
– Workplaces must still ensure all customers and workers maintain a safe physical distance. Physical distancing is established by providing a two metre distance between people. To allow this, we limit the number of people in the Family room & Child/Youth room to 6;
– Staff will continuously self-monitor health. Staff will remain at home and get COVID test if develop symptoms. If test is positive, staff will remain at home for 10 days since first developed symptoms. If staff become exposed, staff will self-isolate for 5 days since exposure; if symptoms develop then will gat a COVID test.
Health Screening
Big Bear CYAC recommends a health declaration before entering. If answering yes to questions 1-3 please follow the advice of Public Health and not attend the workplace. Anyone displaying any of the symptoms listed below, we you recommend you to refer to HealthLinkBC at 811 for further direction from Public Health.
Big Bear Child & Youth Advocacy Centre (“Big Bear CYAC”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and adheres to legislated privacy requirements. Any personal information we collect is used for:
If at any time you no longer wish to be contacted by Big Bear CYAC or if you have any questions regarding the privacy of your personal information, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer:
Chief Privacy Officer Phone: 250.571.9995 Email:
Big Bear CYAC’s Privacy Policy
Personal Information Protection Act
Introduction: On January 1, 2004, the Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) came into force. PIPA applies to all private sector organizations in British Columbia, including businesses, non-profit organizations and unions. PIPA contains rules designed to protect the privacy of personal information that is collected, used, and disclosed by organizations/businesses in the course of their activities.
Purpose: As indicated in section 2 of the Act, the purpose of PIPA is to:
“govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by organizations in a manner that recognizes both the right of individuals to protect their personal information and the need of organizations to collect, use or disclose personal information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.”
Responsibilities of Big Bear CYAC under PIPA: Under section 3 of the PIPA, Big Bear CYAC is subject to PIPA and in order to comply with the Act, Big Bear CYAC:
information of the applicant only. For example, a person can make a request to see his/her records and Big Bear CYAC must comply. However, a person has no legal right to access other records and Big Bear CYAC will not provide access to such records.
Big Bear CYAC Privacy Principles
Big Bear CYAC is committed to ensuring that all personal information is gathered in accordance with PIPA and it is accurate, kept confidential, and safeguarded. To make certain that it meets this commitment, Big Bear CYAC will follow the ten privacy principles that have been established to govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.
Accountability: Big Bear CYAC is responsible for all personal information under its custody or control, including information which it may transfer to third parties for processing.
The privacy officer is accountable for Big Bear CYAC’s overall compliance with this policy and acts as Big Bear CYAC’s arbitrator on information privacy and security matters. Individual managers also have a responsibility to oversee compliance with this policy for employees under their areas of responsibility.
In addition, each person who has an association with Big Bear CYAC has an individual responsibility to ensure that personal information is protected at all times in accordance with this policy. Each individual receives information regarding Big Bear CYAC’s privacy policies and is expected to take personal responsibility for the following:
Identifying Purposes for Data Collected
Before, or at the time of collection, Big Bear CYAC will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected, used, disclosed and retained. Big Bear CYAC collects personal information only for the following purposes:
Individuals collecting personal information on behalf of Big Bear CYAC will be able to identify the purposes for which the information is being collected. If personal information is to be used for a purpose not previously identified, Big Bear CYAC will identify this purpose prior to use and provide individuals with an opportunity to opt-out of this activity.
The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information, except where PIPA authorized the collection, use or disclosure without consent of the individual or PIPA deems the collection, use or disclosure to be consented to by the individual inappropriate. In such cases PIPA can be applied in accordance with industry best practices.
In certain circumstances, personal information can be collected, used or disclosed without the knowledge and consent of the individual, such as in the investigation of a breach of an agreement or a contravention of a federal or provincial law. Big Bear CYAC may also disclose personal information without knowledge or consent in the case of an emergency where the life, health or security of an individual is threatened. Big Bear CYAC may also disclose personal information without knowledge or consent to comply with a subpoena, warrant or court order, or as may otherwise be required or authorized by law.
In obtaining consent, Big Bear CYAC will make reasonable efforts to ensure that individuals are advised orally or in writing of the purposes for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Purposes will be stated in a manner that can reasonably be understood by the individual.
Generally, Big Bear CYAC will seek consent to use and disclose personal information at the same time it collects personal information. However, Big Bear CYAC may seek consent to use and disclose personal information after it has been collected, but before it has been used or disclosed for a new purpose.
In determining the appropriate form of consent, Big Bear CYAC will take into account the sensitivity of the personal information and the reasonable expectations of an individual.
An individual may withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Individuals may contact Big Bear CYAC for more information regarding the
implications of withdrawing consent. If consent is withdrawn, Big Bear CYAC will comply with this request; however, individuals will be made aware that implementation of their request may take a few months.
Limiting Collection of Information
The recording of personal information will be limited to that which is necessary to meet the intended purposes identified by Big Bear CYAC. Big Bear CYAC will only record information by fair and lawful means.
Big Bear CYAC will not record personal information indiscriminately. Both the amount and type of information recorded will be limited to the minimum amount necessary to satisfy the intended purpose for the information.
As much as possible, personal information will be collected directly from the individual.
However Big Bear CYAC may also record personal information from other sources in support of its mission.
Limiting use, disclosure and retention
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Big Bear CYAC will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes and for legal or business purposes.
Only Big Bear CYAC employees, authorized agents or volunteers with a need to know for Big Bear CYAC business purposes, or whose duties reasonably so require, are granted access to personal information about donors and prospective donors.
Big Bear CYAC will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected and for legal or business purposes. Big Bear CYAC will maintain reasonable and systematic controls, schedules and practices for information and records retention and destruction. Information that is no longer necessary or relevant for the identified purposes will be destroyed, erased or made anonymous.
Personal information will only be retained as long as a relationship is being cultivated and maintained between Big Bear CYAC and the individual and Big Bear CYAC may retain personal information in order to best meet the needs of our relationship with the individual.
Personal information will be as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the identified purposes for which it is to be used.
Information will be sufficiently accurate, complete and up-to-date to minimize the possibility that inappropriate information may be used to make a decision about an individual.
Big Bear CYAC will update personal information about its donors and prospective donors as and when necessary to fulfill the identified purposes or upon notification by the individual.
Individuals may request amendments to their personal information but Big Bear CYAC may retain the original information for reference purposes only.
Big Bear CYAC will protect personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
Big Bear CYAC will protect personal information against such risks as loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use modification or destruction through appropriate security measures and will protect the information regardless of the format in which it is held.
Big Bear CYAC will protect personal information disclosed to third parties for processing through contractual agreements stipulating the confidentiality of the information and the purposes for which it is to be used.
All Big Bear CYAC employees, agents or volunteers with access to personal information will be required to respect the confidentiality of that information by signing a confidentiality agreement, participating in privacy training and implementing methods of protection that include:
Individual Access
Upon request Big Bear CYAC will inform an individual of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her personal information and will give the individual access to that information. The individual will be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
Upon request, Big Bear CYAC will afford individuals a reasonable opportunity to review the personal information it holds. Personal information will be provided in an understandable form within a reasonable time.
In certain situations, Big Bear CYAC may not be able to provide access to all the personal information it holds about an individual and exceptions to the access requirement will be limited and specific. These exceptions may include information containing certain references to other individuals, information that cannot be disclosed for legal, security, and/or information subject to solicitor-client or litigation privilege.
In providing an account of third parties to which it has disclosed personal information about an individual, Big Bear CYAC will attempt to be as specific as possible. When it is not possible to provide a list of the organizations to which it has actually disclosed information about an individual, Big Bear CYAC will provide a list of organizations to which it may have disclosed information about the individual.
Big Bear CYAC will correct or amend any personal information if its accuracy and completeness is challenged and found to be deficient. Any unresolved differences as to accuracy or completeness will be noted in the individual’s file.
In order to safeguard personal information, an individual may be required to provide sufficient identification information to permit Big Bear CYAC to account for the existence, use and disclosure of personal information and to authorize access to the individual’s file. Any such information received will be used only for this purpose.
Challenging Compliance
Big Bear CYAC will maintain procedures for addressing and responding to all inquiries or complaints from individuals about its handling of personal information and will inform its donors about the existence of these procedures.
An individual will be able to challenge compliance with this policy with the privacy officer who will ensure the issue is properly discussed, documented and addressed as quickly as possible.
Any person accountable for compliance with Big Bear CYAC’s privacy policy may seek external advice where appropriate in order to provide a final response to individual complaints.
Big Bear CYAC will investigate all complaints concerning compliance with its privacy policy, and, if a complaint is found to be justified, appropriate measures will be taken, including amending
policies and procedures where required. The individual will be informed of the outcome of the investigation regarding his or her complaint.
Policy Violations
Any individual, including Big Bear CYAC employees and volunteers, who fails to comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer relationship. Examples of violations of this policy include, but are not limited to: